How To Play Guitar With Fat Fingers – Perfect Tips For You

You want to learn how to play the guitar, but you have fat fingers and you’re worried that it will make it harder. So, how to play guitar with fat fingers? Many people believe that because they have fat fingers, they can’t learn how to play the guitar. This is simply not true. With the right techniques and some practice, you can learn how to play the guitar with fat fingers.

Benefits Of Playing Guitar With Oversize Hands

It is no secret that having big hands can be a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to playing certain instruments, such as the guitar. However, there are several benefits to playing guitar with oversized hands. Here are just a few:

1. You have more control over the instrument.

2. You can make more nuanced and complex musical arrangements.

3. You can easily play chords that may be more difficult for smaller-handed musicians.

4. You can reach higher notes and frets with greater ease, allowing you to explore a wider range of musical styles and sounds.

5. You have more stamina when playing for long periods of time, since your larger fingers can more easily move between the strings and frets.

6. You may find that you have a greater natural musical talent, since your larger hands allow you to more easily explore new techniques and sounds.

how to play guitar with fat fingers

If you have large hands, there are a few things you should remember when playing guitar. For one, make sure that your guitar has the correct string gauge for your fingers. This will ensure that it is easier to play chords and notes without experiencing too much strain or fatigue in your hands. You may also want to consider using a strap to help support the weight of the guitar if you find it too difficult to hold for extended periods of time.

Overall, whether you have big hands or small hands, playing guitar is an incredibly rewarding experience. Whether you are looking for a fun hobby, a new creative outlet, or a serious musical pursuit, the guitar has something to offer everyone. So why not give it a try today?

Successful Guitarist With Chubby Fingers

Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, and BB King are some of the most successful guitarists of all time. What do they have in common? Each has chubby fingers! If you’re struggling to make it as a guitarist because your fingers are too fat, don’t worry – you’re in good company.

Guitarist with chubby fingers has been successfully playing the guitar for over 10 years. Despite having hands that are not traditionally suited for playing a musical instrument, he has found a way to make it work and enjoys sharing his talent with others. He attributes his success to practicing regularly and being patient with himself.

Common Piano Beginner Mistakes 

how to play guitar with fat fingers

For many people, the prospect of learning to play the piano can seem daunting. After all, the instrument has 88 keys and can be played in a variety of different ways. However, with a bit of patience and practice, anyone can learn to play the piano. In this article, we will discuss some common mistakes that beginners make when learning to play the piano, as well as how to avoid them.

Not Starting With The Basics

One of the most common mistakes that beginners make is not starting with the basics. When trying to learn a new skill, it is important to start with the basics and gradually build up your knowledge and ability. Trying to learn too much at once can be overwhelming and can lead to frustration, which can ultimately cause you to give up.

Not Practicing

Another common mistake that beginners make is not practicing regularly. To become proficient at playing the piano, it is important to practice consistently and dedicate enough time to your practice sessions. Even if you only have a few minutes each day, it is better than nothing, as long as you are consistent.

Not Using The Whole Hand

how to play guitar with fat fingers

Another common mistake is not using the whole hand when playing chords. Many beginners try to push down the keys with their fingers, instead of using the whole hand to make contact. This results in missed notes and uneven rhythms.

Not Seeking Help

One final common mistake that beginners make is not seeking help when needed. If you are struggling to learn a particular concept or technique, do not be afraid to ask for help from a friend, family member, or piano teacher. There is no shame in admitting that you need help and seeking guidance from those who are more experienced than you. With the right guidance and regular practice, you can become a confident and skilled piano player in no time.

If you are struggling with playing cleanly on your piano, try practicing regularly with a metronome to develop your timing and increase your precision. You can also enlist the help of a piano teacher or other experienced players to give you feedback and help you improve your technique. With consistent practice and a little bit of guidance, you will be able to play with greater ease, cleanliness, and confidence.

The Correct Way To Hold A Guitar

how to play guitar with fat fingers

There are a few different ways to hold a guitar, but the best way is to use the classical position. In this position, your right hand will be placed in the middle of the neck and your left hand will be placed on the sound hole. Make sure that your fingers are not too close together or too far apart, and that your thumb is positioned in the middle of the back of the neck. You can also try the percussive position, which is similar to the classical position but with your right hand placed closer to the bridge. This position is good for strumming and picking.

When you first start playing guitar, it may be difficult to keep your fingers from getting in the way. If you have large or chubby fingers, it can be tricky to hold down the strings and make them sound cleanly. However, with some practice and patience, you can learn how to adjust your hand position and play guitar even with fat fingers.

One important thing to keep in mind when playing guitar is that you should always use the pads of your fingers, not the tips. The tips of your fingers are much harder than the pads, and they can easily slip off the strings or mute them when you press down. Instead, rest your finger lightly on the string and use the pad to press down. This may take some practice, but it will eventually become second nature.

The best way to hold a guitar is to place the instrument in the “V” created by your left thumb and index finger. Next, place your right hand in the middle of the neck, with your thumb resting in the space between the neck and hand. To begin playing, rest your fingers lightly on the strings and pluck them one at a time, adjusting your hand position as needed.

In addition, try to keep your fingers as close to the fretboard as possible. This will help you make cleaner sounds and prevent your fingers from muting the strings. It may be tempting to hold your hand in the air when you first start playing, but this will only make it harder to produce clean sounds.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different hand positions. You may find that you prefer a certain position for certain chords or techniques. The important thing is to find what works best for you and practice until you have mastered it. With time and patience, you can learn how to play guitar with fat fingers.

How To Choose A Piano Wisely For Beginners?

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When starting out, it is important to choose the right instrument. A piano is a great choice for beginners, but there are a few things to consider before making your purchase.


One important factor is the size of the instrument. If you have limited space, you’ll want to choose a model that’s compact and easy to move around. If you have larger hands, you may want to consider a full-size piano.


Another thing to keep in mind is the price. Pianos can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so it’s important to set a budget before you start shopping. Once you’ve determined how much you’re willing to spend, you can start narrowing down your options.

Type Of Music

Finally, think about what type of music you want to play. If you’re interested in classical music, you’ll need a different piano than if you’re interested in pop or rock. There are many different types of pianos on the market, so it’s important to do your research before making a purchase.

If you’re just starting out, a piano is a great choice for learning the basics of music. With some research and careful consideration, you can find the perfect instrument to suit your needs and help you reach your musical goals.

How To Play Guitar With Fat Fingers

how to play guitar with fat fingers

Buying A Wide Neck, Flat Radius Guitar

1. When looking to buy a guitar, it’s important to consider the width of the neck

2. A wide neck guitar is ideal for players with fat fingers

3. Flat radius guitars are also a good choice for those with large hands

4. Buying a guitar that’s specifically designed for players with big fingers can make it easier to play and more comfortable to hold

5. Some great options for wide neck, flat radius guitars include Gibson’s SG Special, Fender’s American Professional Jazzmaster, and Gretsch’s Electromatic Pro Jet

6. Whether you’re a beginner looking for your first guitar or an experienced player in search of a new instrument, be sure to try out a few different models to find the one that’s right for you.

Using Lighter Gauge Strings

how to play guitar with fat fingers

When it comes to playing guitar with fat fingers, using lighter gauge strings is a must. Heavier gauge strings will only make it more difficult to fret the strings correctly and achieve the desired notes. Lighter gauge strings will be easier to press down and will result in a more consistent tone.

Lighter gauge strings will be easier to play with fat fingers. They are also less likely to cause pain or cramping in your hand. If you are using a heavier gauge string, you may want to consider switching to a lighter gauge string. This will make playing the guitar easier and more comfortable for you.

One way to make it easier to play guitar with fat fingers is to use lighter gauge strings. Lighter strings are easier to press down and can be less tiring on your hand. They also produce a softer sound, which may be more appropriate for certain genres of music. If you’re not used to playing with light strings, you may need to make some adjustments to your technique, such as keeping your fret hand fingers vertical instead of curved.

Another key strategy for playing guitar with fat fingers is to choose a flat-radius neck that has a wide nut width. This type of neck will allow the strings to sit further apart from each other, making it easier and less painful to press down on them. It can also be helpful to use a capo on the frets that are causing the most pain or difficulty, allowing you to play higher up on the neck without having to bear down as hard with your fingers.

Correcting The Guitar Position Properly

how to play guitar with fat fingers

The following are useful tips for correcting the guitar position properly when playing with fat fingers:

1. Make sure that the guitar is sitting in the correct position in your lap. The bottom of the guitar should be resting on your thigh and the neck should be pointing towards the ceiling.

2. Adjust the position of the guitar so that the pick guard is directly in front of your body. This will help to stabilize your playing hand, making it easier to play with greater accuracy and control.

3. Pay attention to the position of your thumb when you are holding the guitar neck. Ideally, your thumb should be kept straight and parallel with the strings, as this will help to keep your fingers in the correct playing position.

4. Use a guitar pick if necessary, as this can help to reduce pressure on your fingertips and make it easier to play more complex chords and riffs with greater accuracy.

5. Practice regularly, focusing on exercises and techniques that are tailored specifically for players with fat fingers. With time and practice, you will be able to play the guitar more effectively regardless of the size or shape of your fingers.

The Appropriate Seating Position

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When you play guitar, it’s important to be in the right position. This means having your back straight, your feet flat on the ground, and your guitar placed so that the strings are at the correct height for your hands. If you’re not in the right position, it will be difficult to play correctly and you may end up with sore fingers or other pain from straining your body.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right seating position for guitar playing. First, you should make sure that you have good posture, with your back straight and your head up so that you can see what you are playing. Your feet should be flat on the ground and placed shoulder-width apart for stability and balance.

When it comes to the positioning of your guitar, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. The most important is that the strings should be at a height that allows you to play them comfortably without straining or bending your hands too much. You may need to adjust the position of your guitar strap or the height of your seat in order to achieve this.

If you’re having trouble finding the right position for guitar playing, there are a variety of resources available that can help. Many guitar instructors, books, and online tutorials can provide tips on how to find the most comfortable seating position for your body and style of playing. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to find the perfect position for playing guitar with fat fingers.

Changing Hand Position

how to play guitar with fat fingers

One way to help make playing the guitar with fat fingers easier is to change your hand position. This can be done by moving your hand higher up the neck of the guitar, or by shifting it to one side or the other. Experiment with different positions to see what works best for you. You may also want to try using a smaller guitar, or one with a narrower neck.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it may take some time to get used to playing with fat fingers. Be patient and practice regularly, and you’ll eventually get the hang of it. In the meantime, there are a few tips that can help make the process a little easier.

If you have fat fingers, you may find that changing your hand position can make it easier to play the guitar. You can try moving your hand higher up on the neck, or closer to the bridge. You may also want to try using a smaller guitar pick, or even a thumb pick. Experiment until you find a hand position that feels comfortable and allows you to make clean, precise movements.

Practicing Finger Exercise For Better Stretches

Playing the guitar is a fun and rewarding experience, but it can be difficult to do if you have fat fingers. This is because the strings are closer together on the fretboard, and it can be difficult to reach them all. However, with a bit of practice you can improve your stretches and play the guitar with ease.

The first thing you need to do is practice some finger exercises. These will help to improve your dexterity and flexibility, and make it easier to reach the strings. You can find some good exercises online or in guitar instructional books.

Once you have improved your stretches, try playing some simple chords. Start with basic open chords like A, D, and E, and then move on to more complex chords once you feel comfortable.

Another important step is to find the right guitar for your body type and playing style. There are many different styles and shapes of guitars available, so it can be helpful to consult with a guitar instructor or try out some different models in a music store before making a decision.

Keeping Your Nails Real Neat

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If you’re like most people, your nails probably aren’t in the best condition. They may be brittle, dry, and prone to splitting. This can make playing guitar with fat fingers difficult, as nails that aren’t in good condition can easily snag on strings and cause unwanted noise.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to keep your nails looking and feeling their best, even if you have thick, chunky fingers. Some of the most effective methods include:

1. Keeping your nails well moisturized. This can be done by applying a layer of oil or lotion to your nails regularly throughout the day. If you have particularly dry hands and cuticles, you may want to invest in a cuticle cream or oil.

2. Wearing gloves when you’re doing activities that could damage your nails, such as washing dishes or cleaning the house.

3. Taking supplements that promote healthy nails, such as biotin or fish oil.

4. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as protein-rich foods.

If you’re willing to put in a little bit of time and effort each day, it’s possible to keep your nails looking great and playing guitar with fat fingers no problem. By incorporating some or all of the methods mentioned above into your routine, you can achieve your goals and enjoy all the benefits of this amazing instrument.

Alternating The Chord

how to play guitar with fat fingers

If you have fat fingers, it can be difficult to hold down the strings on the guitar neck to make chords. One way to help is to alternate the chord. This means that instead of holding down all of the strings at once with your fingers, you hold down one string at a time. This makes it easier to hold down the strings and get a clear sound.

Here are some tips on how to alternate the chord:

– Use your index finger to hold down the low E string.

– Use your middle finger to hold down the A string.

– Use your ring finger to hold down the D string.

– Use your pinky finger to hold down the G string.

Now, you can strum the guitar strings with your other hand. You will notice that the sound is not as full as it would be if you were holding down all of the strings at once, but it should be clearer and easier to play.

Once you get used to alternating the chord, you can try including other strings. For example, instead of holding down just the low E string, you could hold down all of the bottom strings at once. This will give you a fuller sound on each strum and make it easier to play some chords.


How to play guitar with fat fingers? The first and most important thing you can do is to hold your guitar properly. It should be tightly cradled in one arm, with the other hand gently holding onto its neck or upper body near where we see players traditionally placing their fretting hand (the left if they are right-handed). This will ensure that any awkward postures taken while playing won’t cause too much trouble for yourself as well as others around who may want an audience with what’s going down!

Do you have any other tips on how to play guitar with fat fingers? Share them in the comments below!

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